
Complications ~ Chapter 11 ~ Newtmas

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SapphireSoul102's avatar

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December 16th 17th, Entry 9

I can’t fall asleep for some reason, so I figured writing this diary would pass the time until I’m too exhausted to think.

I just realized it’s about 2:30am, so it’s technically the 17th now, not that it really matters. I nearly tripped over my bloody leg when I got out of bed to get this journal. Well, it sounds odd when I phrase it like that, but I really almost fell on my face when my crutch landed on the carbon fiber leg next to the bed. It looks utterly bizarre, but I think I’ll get used to walking with it easily enough.

Speaking of my new leg, this whole thing with the therapist is becoming a problem. Tommy’s been acting like something’s bothering him for the past few days, and I’m pretty damn sure it has to do with Alby. It all started when Tommy and I were talking about my progress with the prosthetic and he asked about the actual therapy sessions. When I referred to the therapist as a ‘he,’ I saw his whole demeanor change. I mean, he was thrilled when I told him how well I’m getting used to the new leg, but it was obvious that something had irked him.

Later that night, in bed, I fell asleep with Tommy’s arms around me like always, but when I woke up in the middle of the night and shifted to get up and stretch, he squeezed me much tighter than usual and pressed his face against my shoulder. It felt like he didn’t want to let me go, like he was afraid to lose me, so I just settled into the pillow and fell back asleep. It was really strange, feeling him hold me possessively like that. I don’t know, maybe I’m reading too much into nothing, but I don’t think so.

I just hope this weirdness passes once the therapy sessions are over. That should put Tommy’s mind at ease, though I wish he didn’t feel this way at all. He’s worrying over nothing, but if I tell him that, he’ll think there’s something to worry about. Dammit, I’m too tired to think about this. My head’s starting to ache. Maybe now I’ll be able to fall asleep.


The next day, Alby guided Newt through another therapy session. A few minutes before Alby had to leave, his cellphone rang. Newt idly played with his hair while the taller man spoke on the phone. He felt a bit ridiculous when Alby noticed him braiding a section of his long blonde bangs. Alby found it cute. In some ways, Newt’s cuteness reminded him of a child, mostly because of his youthful face.

“So, my next patient just cancelled their appointment. Wanna go for a walk to really test out that leg?”

Newt considered the offer and nodded. “Sure. I don’t see why not.” After all, Thomas wouldn’t be home for a few hours, so Newt felt no need to call and tell the brunette where he was going. It was only a walk down the street, but Newt took his cellphone anyway and locked the door behind him. He mentally prepared himself for the challenge ahead: walking on a surface that wasn’t perfectly flat like the floor of his apartment.

It didn’t take long for Newt to adapt to the different sensation of walking on the craggy sidewalk, though he had to focus on keeping his balance with every step. He knew that with enough practice, walking with his prosthetic would become just as thoughtless as breathing.

After nearly fifteen minutes of carefully navigating the cracked, uneven pavement, they reached the small cafe that served every imaginable type of coffee. “I love this place. It feels like I haven’t actually ordered myself a coffee for months.” Newt searched for his wallet in all his pockets, then he realized it was still at the apartment. “Dammit. Oh well, maybe next time.”

“Here, my treat.” Alby pulled out his own wallet and handed Newt a five dollar bill, which the blonde hesitantly accepted. “Thanks, Alby.”

The taller man simply nodded in acknowledgement of Newt’s appreciation and they approached the counter to order coffee.


An hour after Newt left the apartment with his therapist, Thomas came home from work. Due to a scheduling mixup with the other nurses, the ER was overstaffed, and Thomas’s shift ended much earlier than expected. He picked up a caramel-hazelnut coffee to surprise Newt.

“Hey, Newt. I’m back,” Thomas called out with a smile. His smile faded when he didn’t hear Newt reply.

“Newt?” Thomas’s voice had the slightest hint of panic as he searched the apartment to find his blonde boyfriend.

The sound of the squeaky doorknob and idle chatter caught Thomas’s attention. He set the coffee aside and went to investigate the noise. Newt opened the door and saw Thomas smiling happily at him, which made him smile in return.

“Hi, Tommy. You’re home early.”

“Yeah, they were overstaffed and I got sent home.”

“Well, I’m happy to see you.”

The blonde rested his hands on the brunette’s waist and kissed his cheek. Thomas pulled Newt closer and wrapped his arms around his lover in a tight embrace.

Only then did Thomas notice the tall, dark figure standing in the doorway behind Newt.
Newt felt the mood change instantaneously, and not for the better. He ended the hug and cleared his throat.

“Tommy, this is Alby, the physical therapist. Alby, this here’s Tommy. Or, uh, Thomas. I’m really the only one who calls him Tommy.”

The awkwardness was suffocating as the two taller men stared each other down. It was clear that Thomas did not like Alby, and Alby felt the same dislike towards Thomas. Still, they felt obligated to be civil in front of Newt. They extended their arms and stiffly shook hands.

“Thank you for helping Newt recover so quickly. We both appreciate it.”

Alby nodded in response. “Of course. It’s my job, after all.” He crossed his arms and shifted his stance. “So, Newt mentioned that you also work in the medical field.”

“Yeah, I’m an ER nurse.”

“Jesus, what a place to work.”

Thomas furrowed his brow. “What do you mean by that?”

“I mean, that’s quite a stressful job.”

“Definitely,” Newt decided to chime in to keep the peace, “but Tommy’s well-suited for his occupation. Both of you are.”

The blonde smiled and thanked Alby for the coffee once more before saying goodbye. He locked the door after Alby was gone.

“Well that was fun,” Newt huffed sarcastically. “Still, it went better than I expected, though.”

Thomas frowned. “I think he was trying to crush my hand when he shook it.”

“I had a feeling you two wouldn’t get on very well. Looks like I was right.”

“Seems like you get along with him just fine, though.” Thomas muttered. The tone of his voice nearly dripped with jealousy. “I’m gonna go take a shower. I got you a coffee, by the way, but I guess you already had one.”

Dammit, Tommy, don’t be a petty jealous jerk and play the guilt card on me

“Yeah, I did. Would you wanna drink it?”

“I hate hazelnut.”

And with that, Thomas went to the shower, leaving Newt to facepalm in solitude.
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Single-Ato's avatar
los celos lo destruyen todo!!!por cierto, me encanta, te amo <3Faint 3